ChingYi Chiu 趙靜怡
Chiu Ching Yi is passionate about studying the possibilities between light, new media, the human body and behaviour.
Her back round as a theatre lighting designer and her day-to-day observations gives her the knowledge in the usage of light and the understanding of the human body as the most candid xxx medium. That's why the starting point in her artworks has been the body as a data collector and the search for answers through day-to-day careful observation
In addition to her personal creations is: CHINGDOMYINIC, a duo formed by her and video artist Dominic Lee in new media art creation. It's not just an artistic duo, it's two variables in a chemical formula.
基於作為舞台燈光設計師的背景下,一方面知道“光線“ 是能夠回應所有宇宙的答案之外,在透過日復日觀察演出者之身體對人事物所作出的回應,更深深明白到身體是最為誠懇的媒介。因而導致個人作品多以身體作為收集數據的起點,再一步步去以仔細的觀察去找答案。
在個人創作之外,近年和Dominic Lee 組成CHINGDOMYINIC:一種製造作品的化學作用,是一種配方。